Professor Ben Saul, our prolific Challis Professor of International Law, has written some great commentary for the Sydney Morning Herald in the lead up to the Federal election – definitely worth a read:
Category: Uncategorized
Can there really be a King in the North? Secession, Self-Determination, and Game of Thrones
This Sunday we’ll see the final of Season 6 of Game of Thrones.
One of Sydney Law School’s international law students, Sam Murray, wrote a thoughtful piece for the Sydney Uni student newspaper, Honi Soit last year, about whether Robb Stark’s secession from Westeros was lawful under international law – have a read:
Sam was a member of the superstar team of students who won the Jessup Cup in 2015. Maybe Daenerys Targaryen should put him on retainer…
US vs EU vs Other Models for Investment Treaties in the Asian Region
International investment treaties and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) are in the news again, notably in Australia and India, which are negotiating a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as well as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP or “ASEAN+6” FTA). The possibility is emerging of a shift from US-style to contemporary EU-style treaty drafting in the broader Asian region, as a new compromise between the interests of foreign investors and host states.
Continue reading “US vs EU vs Other Models for Investment Treaties in the Asian Region”
Welcome to Erga Omnes – the SCIL Blog
Welcome to the new blog for the Sydney Centre for International Law – you will find updates on SCIL events and research, and commentary on developments in international law. We look forward to sharing our work with you!
Emily Crawford and Jacqui Mowbray – Centre Directors